Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A524
- Tel 02-3277-2387
Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A422
- Tel 02-3277-2329
Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A507
- Tel 02-3277-6950
Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A513
- Tel 02-3277-6668
Belong Department of Physics/HOKMA College of General Education
- Lab Jinseonmi-gwan #237
- Tel 02-3277-3443
Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A424
- Tel 0232772947
Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A421
- Tel 02-3277-4645
Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A522
- Tel 02-3277-2332
Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A420
- Tel 02-3277-2364
Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A512
- Tel 02-3277-2330
Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A425
- Tel 02-3277-4452
Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A508
- Tel 02-3277-4647
Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A525
- Tel 02-3277-6951
Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A521
- Tel 02-3277-4066
Belong Department of Physics
- Lab Science Building A #A523
- Tel 02-3277-2371
Belong Department of Physics
Belong Department of Physics
Belong Department of Physics
Belong Department of Physics/Life Sciences
Belong Department of Physics